Wednesday 26 September 2012

Great Wakering and Rochford

I had a chance meeting with a delightful woman from Great Wakering. We discussed the future of Great Wakering and Rochford and this woman concerns which are also mine. The building of new houses on Starr Lane Great Wakering and Hall Road Rochford. The conclusion of our conversation, was these new builds would eventually put a strain on the infrastructure on and around Southend-on-sea and primary care services senior schools, and public transport. The new builds in Great Wakering would also put a strain on Shoeburyness and the station as there would be more commuters and where will they park. I am sure they will not use the East Beach car park and the residents of Shoeburyness will see more commuters cars parked around the High Street. I am all for economic growth, but how many houses and flats do we need in the Thames gateway? I like to see green fields and rapseed growing (no good if you suffer from hayfever). I don't want to see one big housing estate.

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