Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

My thoughts and prayers this christmas are with the families who have been flooded out of their homes. These families will not have the opportunity to enjoy Christmas as their homes are inhabitable and unsafe. In my opinion the spirit of Christmas should be a time of reflection to think of others who are less fortunate then ourselves.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Web Cams!!

I do not agree with the Southend Council spending £20,000 on web cameras and streaming the council meetings onto the internet, I have always believed spending on web cams was a waste of council tax payers money. However, I now looking forward to the experience because it could become more entaining then watching Big Brother or I am Celebrity!! My passion is watching how humans interact with each other and I am aware in my observations the majority of Southend Borough Councillors have over inflated egos, Southend Borough council meetings could be the only thing to watch in 2013!!